
On this site, I post my research, and information regarding courses I teach. This site also provides a link to my twitter account (@AnguelovL).  You can reach me through the Contact tab that will deliver your messages and inquiries to my personal email.

On this site:

Under the Teaching tab you can access information on courses I teach, syllabi, as well as links to online lectures I use for asynchronous online instruction. The links for the online lectures can be located under the Online Instruction tab.

The Publications tab has a list of my peer reviewed publications and other academic achievements.

The Conference Presentations tab has a list of meetings where my research has been presented or is accepted for presentation in the near future. Under the Other Presentations tab are links and content of other presentations and invited talks.

My Research Interests tab broadly outlines areas of academic importance, and the Working Papers tab presents some of my current research works in progress.

The CV tab contains the most up-to-date version of my vita.